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Jual WinZip Pro 15 Versi Download

WinZip adalah sebuah pengarsipan file proprietary dan kompresor untuk Microsoft Windows dan Mac OS X, yang dikembangkan oleh WinZip Computing (sebelumnya Nico Mak Computing). Ini native menggunakan format PKZip tetapi juga memiliki berbagai tingkat dukungan untuk format arsip lainnya.
WinZip memiliki masa evaluasi 45 hari gratis, setelah itu program akan tetap bekerja bahkan jika pengguna tidak terdaftar, meskipun dengan pengurangan fungsionalitas. Namun dalam versi (14 dan seterusnya) fitur ini tampaknya telah dihapus, meski pengguna dapat melewati ini dengan men-download versi sebelumnya.Fitur
Penciptaan, samping, dan ekstraksi dari ZIP arsip.
* Dikonfigurasi Microsoft Windows Shell integrasi.
* 128 -. Dan 256-bit kunci enkripsi AES [3] ini telah menggantikan PKZip kurang aman 2,0 metode enkripsi yang digunakan dalam versi sebelumnya. Pelaksanaan, menggunakan kode Brian Gladman, adalah FIPS-197 bersertifikat, pada tanggal 27 Maret 2003. [4]
Versi 9 juga menerapkan versi 64-bit format file PKZIP, menghilangkan baik membatasi maksimum 65.535 anggota untuk arsip tunggal dan batas ukuran 4-gibibyte di kedua arsip dan setiap file anggota.
* Dukungan dari bzip2 (9.0), PPMD ​​(10,0), WavPack (11,0), LZMA (12,0), yang memungkinkan arsip yang lebih kecil pada biaya potensi kenaikan kali kompresi dan ekstraksi (terutama bila menggunakan PPMD).
* Dekompresi file rar. Bz2 dan..
* Dukungan untuk ARC, ARJ, LHA arsip jika program eksternal yang cocok diinstal.
* Langsung menulis dari arsip ZIP ke CD / DVD
* Otomasi pekerjaan cadangan

* Terpadu upload FTP
* Email ZIP archives
* Dukungan Unicode untuk memastikan karakter internasional ditampilkan untuk nama file dalam file Zip. (WinZip sebelum menjadi 11,2 tidak mendukung karakter Unicode dalam nama file [5] [6] Mencoba untuk menambahkan file ke arsip hasil dalam Peringatan pesan kesalahan ":. Tidak dapat membuka untuk membaca: ...")
* Dukungan Terpadu untuk membuat, membuka dan ekstrak arsip LHA dan LZH
[Sunting] WinZip pengaya

* WinZip Kurir: Secara otomatis ritsleting semua file dilampirkan ke e-mail yang keluar. Didukung e-mail client termasuk Microsoft Outlook, Outlook Express, Windows Mail, Gmail dan Hotmail.
* WinZip Self-Extractor: Ini menambah self-extracting ZIP modul untuk arsip. Sebuah versi yang disebut WinZip Self-Extractor Personal Edition disertakan dengan WinZip.
* WinZip Command Line Add-on: Ia menambahkan proses baris perintah untuk WinZip.Penciptaan, samping, dan ekstraksi dari ZIP arsip.WinZip 15 (Nov.2010) dilaksanakan kinerja arsitektur baru untuk kecepatan tinggi, perbaikan antarmuka zipping dengan desain halus dan ikon menu yang lebih intuitif, ZIP desktop baru / unzip gadget dengan drag-and-drop fungsionalitas, baru dan ekstensif email / webmail dukungan ( + fungsi Cadangan pada versi Pro). Harap diperhatikan karena adanya bug di rilis pertama dari versi ini, saat membuat pekerjaan backup (*. wjf), seleksi file pekerjaan yang perlu diatur ulang / set untuk bekerja dengan baik.

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Untuk Konfirmasi dan Pemesanan Sms Ke Nomer kami 083878202335

Paket Akan kami Mengirimi Ke alamat email anda.

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Jual Autocad 2011 Versi Download

Autodesk AutoCAD 2011 | 1,5GB


Autodesk? AutoCAD adalah CAD (Computer Aided Design Computer Aided Drafting atau) perangkat lunak aplikasi untuk desain 2D dan 3D dan penyusunan, dikembangkan dan dijual oleh Autodesk, Inc Awalnya dirilis pada akhir tahun 1982, Autodesk? AutoCAD adalah salah satu program CAD pertama untuk menjalankan pada komputer pribadi, dan terutama IBM PC. Kebanyakan perangkat lunak CAD pada saat itu berlari pada terminal grafis yang terhubung ke komputer mainframe atau mini-komputer.

Desain dan membentuk dunia di sekitar Anda dengan, fitur canggih yang fleksibel yang ditemukan di AutoCAD? perangkat lunak, salah satu dunia? terkemuka aplikasi desain 2D dan 3D. Dengan alat 3D yang kuat yang dapat membuat hampir semua bentuk dibayangkan, AutoCAD membantu Anda mengeksplorasi ide-ide desain intuitif. Ia menawarkan inovasi yang dapat meningkatkan desain dan efisiensi dokumentasi, dan memungkinkan Anda untuk lebih aman, akurat, nd mulus berbagi desain dengan rekan-rekan. Alat pemrograman yang kuat dan ribuan yang tersedia pengaya menyediakan fleksibilitas yang paling dalam, membantu Anda menyesuaikan perangkat lunak AutoCAD untuk kebutuhan spesifik Anda. Dengan kemampuan ini dan lebih, AutoCAD memberikan kekuatan dan fleksibilitas yang dibutuhkan untuk mengambil dokumentasi dan desain lebih lanjut.

Anda harus me-mount ISO dengan alat daemon dan Ultra ISO.
Program yang terletak di folder Tools ISO

1. Membongkar, membakar atau mount ISO dengan Tools & menginstal
2. Periksa Crack / INSTALL.txt pada DVD

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Untuk Konfirmasi dan Pemesanan Sms Ke Nomer kami 083878202335

Kami Akan Mengirimi Ke alamat email anda.

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Jual Autocad2012 Versi Download

Autocad 2012  | 1,55 Mb

Tanggal rilis: 2011Versi: 2012 Membangun F.51.0.0Pengembang: AutodeskKedalaman bit: 32 bitKompatibilitas dengan Vista: UnknownKompatibel dengan Windows 7: hanya x86 (32-bit)Bahasa: InggrisKedokteran: Hadir
Persyaratan sistem:Untuk versi 32-bit dari AutoCAD 2012- Sistem operasi Microsoft? Windows? 7 Enterprise, Ultimate, Profesional atau Home Premium (lihat versi perbandingan Windows 7), Microsoft? Windows Vista? Enterprise, Business, Ultimate atau Home Premium (SP1 atau yang lebih baru) (lihat perbandingan versi Windows Vista); atau Microsoft? Windows? XP Professional atau Home edition (SP2 atau yang lebih)- Untuk Windows Vista dan Windows 7: Dual-Core Intel? Pentium? 4 atau AMD Athlon? dengan 3 GHz atau lebih tinggi, mendukung SSE2. Untuk Windows XP: dual-core Intel Pentium 4 atau AMD Athlon prosesor dengan frekuensi clock 1,6 GHz atau lebih tinggi, mendukung SSE2- 2 GB RAM- 1,8 GB ruang hard disk untuk instalasi- Dukungan untuk mode resolusi layar 1024 x 768 dan warna benar??
Description:AutoCAD? adalah pemimpin dunia dalam solusi untuk 2D-3D dan desain-. Seperti lebih grafis pemodelan, 3D untuk mempercepat pekerjaan desain dan dokumentasi, model berbagi dan mengembangkan ide-ide baru. Untuk ribuan AutoCAD tersedia add-ons yang dapat memenuhi kebutuhan dari berbagai macam klien. Sudah waktunya untuk merancang sebuah cara baru - sementara AutoCAD.Fitur baru dari AutoCAD 2012 adalah disebut terobosan teknologi yang benar, yang akan menyenangkan jutaan pengguna software ini.AutoCAD 2012 memiliki parameter, dan sekarang setiap perubahan antara objek yang didukung oleh hubungan yang ditetapkan pengguna. Hal ini secara signifikan mengurangi waktu untuk membuat perubahan ke proyek.Munculnya alat untuk bekerja dengan bentuk sewenang-wenang menjadi mungkin untuk membuat dan menganalisis tiga dimensi benda yang paling kompleks. Selain itu, percetakan 3D sekarang didukung, sehingga lebih mudah untuk mendapatkan prototipe dan prototipe fisik.Menurut banyak permintaan dari masyarakat internasional pengguna Autodesk (AUGI) di AutoCAD 2012 diperkuat, dengan format PDF. File PDF dapat digunakan sebagai substrat, dan meningkatkan kualitas impor ke PDF. Hal ini akan memfasilitasi pertukaran data antara semua pihak yang berkepentingan dalam proyek ini.
Ext. Informasi:Akan bekerja pada Win XP c IE6, serta tanpa Net Framework.
Pengobatan:1. Membuat shortcut: Klik kanan pada acad.exe - Membuat ShortcutKami pergi ke properti pintas dan obyek melalui ruang sel ditambahkan x-force_2012_x32Ini adalah jalan pintas untuk menjalankan Keygen tersebut. Anda dapat mengubah nama keygen2. Run - acad.exe3. Aktivasi jendela muncul. Klik "Aktifkan"4. Pada jendela berikutnya dengan memilih pilihan: Saya memiliki Kebijakan Privasi Autodesk ... dan klik tombol Lanjutkan5. Jendela berikutnya adalah menutup, dan menegaskan kembali keputusan untuk menarik diri dari proses aktivasi6. Lagi akan mengaktifkan jendela. Klik "Aktifkan"7. Pada jendela berikutnya lagi dengan memilih pilihan: Saya memiliki Kebijakan Privasi Autodesk ... dan klik tombol Lanjutkan8. Sebuah jendela akan muncul dengan permintaan kode.9. Jalankan crack menggunakan didirikan pada ayat 1 label10. Selanjutnya, pilih item saya memiliki kode aktivasi dari Autodesk11. Klik Patch Mem - OK12. Salin kode permintaan dari jendela aktivasi di kotak Autodesk keygen dan klik generate13. Salin kode yang dihasilkan dan paste ke jendela pertama aktivasi, dan klik Next14. Pada jendela berikutnya akan melaporkan aktivasi yang berhasil. Klik Finish

Silahkan kirim Ke nomor Rekening kami : 

Untuk Konfirmasi dan Pemesanan Sms Ke Nomer kami 083878202335

Kami Akan Mengirimi Ke alamat email anda.

Category: 0 komentar


WinMX MP3 is a powerful and popular file sharing program, allowing you to find and share audio, video, images, books, software and more on the net's coolest peer-to-peer network. An easy-to-use Start wizard helps new users get up and running in less than a minute. Choose the interface that's easiest for you, share your files and you're in! WinMX MP3 offers a large P2P file sharing network and a feature-rich client program that has evolved over years of development. WinMX MP3 has a reputation for offering an extremely powerful search engine capable of connecting to multiple popular P2P networks including eDonkey/eMule, BitTorrent and Gnutella. WinMX MP3 software also includes intelligence for detecting fake and/or corrupted files, provides a lot of power to users in managing their files, and it offers a wide selection of music (MP3) files. WinMX MP3 is designed to become an even better file sharing system than other file-sharing protocols as the installed base of its client users grows.
Version: 4.7.4(02 May 2011)
Database improvements and performance enhancements.
Version: 4.7.3(24 Nov 2010)
Faster multisource downloads.
Version: 4.7.2(13 Oct 2010)
Connection problems solved. Performance improvements.
Version: 4.7.1(01 Sep 2010)
Accelerated download. Interface improvements.
Version: 4.7.0(25 May 2010)
Performance improvements.
Version: 4.6.9(30 Mar 2010)
Turbo speed connection.
Version: 4.6.8(02 Mar 2010)
Performance improvements.
Version: 4.6.7(02 Feb 2010)
Improved GUI. Updated server list.
Version: 4.6.6(05 Jan 2010)

Download WinMx MP3

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Free 3D Photo Maker: make your own 3D photos with Free 3D Photo Maker!
The program is extremely simple in its usage. In order to create a 3D image, you need to take two shots of a still set object captured with a small horizontal shift. Usually the distance must be about 2-3 inches to have the right scene.
This is the download page for Free 3D Photo Maker. If you encounter any problems in accessing the download mirrors for Free 3D Photo Maker, please check your firewall settings or close your download manager.
Free 3D Photo Maker is offered as a free download 

Download Free 3D Photo Maker

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AZ Paint Pro is a graphics application combining (i) Paint, (ii) Icon Editor and (iii) Animated GIF Editor in a single program. It possesses niche of features and capabilities far beyond what an ordinary paint program or a mere icon editor can provide. The program is most suitable for power users and those who would like to have an all-embracing graphics tool. One can use it as a quality Paint program, one can use it as a professional Icon Editor to create or edit Windows icons and cursors of any size and color depth, one can also use it as a full-featured Animated GIF Editor to render, extract, modify or build animated GIF files. The program provides all the basic and advanced graphic tools and filters to originate or fine-tune images in a variety of native file formats, e.g. BMP, JPG, GIF, PNG, TIFF, TGA, PCX, ICO, CUR, ANI, WMF and EMF, etc. It also provides import/export of AVI, MNG, APNG, PSD, JP2/J2K, PICT, JNG, PBM/PGM/PPM, HDR and EXR, etc. The program allows users to switch between different file formats in the same work session, thus gaining all the maneuverability of Paint, Icon Editor and Animated GIF Editor operations. This is a prudent product; as it does not use any ActiveX or PlugIn, it will never meddle with users' Windows registry, and there is no need to download any additional file.
Requirements: Win95/98, ME, 2000, NT, XP, Vista or Windows 7

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Face Off Max

Face Off Max is software that enables you to create funny photos by transplanting any face to any body and share the fun with your friends.

You can either choose to produce funny photos with fantastic built-in and weekly updated templates which will be suitable in all occasions or create unique photos with your own photos. Furthermore, by using Face Off Max, you can easily display your masterpiece in everywhere you want to keep in touch with your friends: Facebook, Myspace, blog, email and etc. And it works even easier with Facebook. Without logging in via browser, you can have your photos uploaded directly to Facebook. It would be great to post a photo on your Facebook wall with you dancing with Natalie Portman or with your friends becoming a zombie.

You can even enlarge the fun by adding some funny words to your photos. How about having a photo with you dressing like an astronaut, stepping your feet on moon and saying "That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind"? Just need a little creativity, your fun can go boundlessly!

What is more amazing with Face Off Max is that you can achieve all these in a simple and intuitive way. The intuitive interface will let you know at the first glance how to achieve what you want with Face Off Max and the simple using instruction will accompany with you during the entire process of your creation.
Requirements: No special requirements

Category: 0 komentar


Frame photo editor  is a photo editor that would let you do the work YOUR way, but do it all for you. With Frame Photo Editor, you can easily enhance your photo effects by blending your digital photos onto another image. The photo will be masked as special effect which you can select from a lot of masks that Frame Photo Editor provides.You can also easily add cool frame, pretty flowers and cartoon clips onto your pictures. And you can insert text into pictures with speech frame. It makes your photo more interesting and attractive. You can easily change the size and position of the photos, flowers, cartoon pictures or text just by clicking and dragging them. You can even rotate the mask or the photo just with your mouse moving. After having edited pictures with Frame Photo Editor, you can print them, email them, or set as your Desktop Wallpaper. You may also upload onto website, your album on Internet etc. It is also a photo album page maker.
Requirements: Windows XP or later version

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Logo Maker

Easy-to-Use Logo Creator
* Create a professional and unique company logo, banner, header, icon and signature for your website, blog, forum, and email in minutes
* Require no graphics design experience
* Provide 270+ logo templates of six categories - Business, Fashion, Letter-Based, Technology, Organization and Badge
* Export your logo to different dimensions suitable for web or print, in JPG, BMP, TIFF, or PNG (transparent background) format as needed
* Support printing logos and specifying necessary print settings

Unique Design Experience of Logo Maker
* Offer 680+ well-chosen color schemes, filtered by color or category
* Apply cool effects like gradient, shadow, bevel, glow, reflection, outline or hollow to graphics or text just by one click in the Effects panel
* Use the Copy Effect & Color function to copy all the effect and color properties of one element on the canvas to another
* Replace an image with another, with color and effects remained
* Enable the “Snapping to object” and “Snapping to gird” options to align logo elements on the canvas

Design Logo with Rich Resources
* Offer 3,800+ vector graphics covering 33 extensive categories, the elements can be searched by keyword
* Provide 40+ stylish text fonts and 6 waved text effects
* System fonts will be automatically imported once they are installed on your computer
* Import images of JPG, PNG, GIF or BMP format
* Import Flash SWF resources and extract vector graphic to reuse as logo image

Powerful Edit and Custom Capability
* Instant preview for setting colors & effects, replacing logo images, rotating /moving /zooming /cropping objects, etc.
* Access the tools like Horizontal Mirror, Vertical Mirror, and Opacity directly on the toolbar
* Customize your own colors (Solid/Linear Gradient/Radical Gradient) or filters (Shadow, Bevel, Glow and Reflection) for graphics or text
* Use Color Picker on the Colors panel to apply any color from the screen to your logo
Requirements: Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP

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Photo Toolbox Win1.0.8.6.x86

Short details of Photo Toolbox:
Photo Toolbox is an utility software that allows you to edit, retouch and fix your digital photo. It combines many easy to use and very powerful features which can make your photo much better than before. There are the main features: - Common Operations: File Formats, Undo/Redo and History,... Magic Photo is a photo editor: With Magic Photo, you can easily blend your digital photo onto another image (a beautiful landscape image etc) to create special effect. It makes your photo interesting and pretty. The features include: 1) There are 180 masks for you to choose, which changes your photo in different shapes then blend it onto the backdrop image 2)Add 100 cliparts onto your photo, which make you photo more beautiful

Download Photo Toolbox Win

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Paper Scan Free

Paper Scan Free Document Scanning Document Storage Document Archiving Document Digitizing Paperless Office Electronic Document Storage Electronic Records Electronic Medical Records Electronic Health Records Paper Scanning File scanning Document Scanning NYC.
The Document Scanning NYC process is extremely quick, efficient and reliable, resulting in superior data security with uncompromised availability for our clients. Located in New York City, we provide professional web based Document Scanning Management and Document Scanning services to businesses around the corner or across the globe. DOCUMENT SCANNING DIGITIZING ARCHIVING PAPERLESS OFFICE STORAGE OF RECORDS NYC-USA (
Document Scanning services:. A Hub for Document Scanning, File Scanning & Paper Scanning. Also providing solution for Electronic Document Storage, Electronic Medical Health Record Storage etc. A perfect Vendor to make things Paperless.
Scantronix File Scanning, Paper Scanning, Document Scanning Document Digitizing service transfers your paper records into electronic copies. Through Document Scanning services, electronic copies are accessible to authorized users with access to the document database.

SPECIALIST IN Document Digitizing nyc , Document Archiving NYC, Paperless office NYC, Document Scanning NYC, Document Storage NYC, Health Medical Records NYC, NY-USA. Business Document & Record Storage management solutions is transfer of your records in a highly organized and efficient manner. A Hub for Document scanning, file scanning & paper scanning. Also providing solution for Electronic Document Storage, Electronic Medical Health Records Storage etc. A perfect Vendor to make things Paperless (PAPERLESS OFFICE!!).
Electronic Document Storage i.e Storage of important Documents like Electronic Medical Records, Electronic Health Records etc. offers far more benefits than simple data access and convenience. Quality results for all your Document Digitizing needs. Providing best Document Imaging resulting in superior Scanning of Documents

Download Paper Scan Free

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Fly free photo editing

Fly Free Photo Editing Using Fly Free Photo Editing & Viewer software, freeware runs on windows with Mac style skin, you can view, edit, enhance and manipulate your pictures easily. It provides a much easier way to view and edit multiple photos simultaneously in multiple tabs.

Key features:

Multiple tab image browser & photo editor: View or edit multiple photos simultaneously and easily in multiple tabs.
Image batch resize: Batch resize images with flexible options.
Batch photo slideshow PowerPoint: Batch import photos and create slideshow PowerPoint file in seconds.
HTML convert to image JPG: Convert entire web page HTML to JPG integrated with image editing tool.
Powerful photo editor: Crop, resize, RGB, gray scale, bright, contrast, rotate, add text, red eye and more. Multiple-tabs make image editing & view simultaneously much easier.
Interface: Mac style skin interface.
Requirements: Microsoft .Net Framework 2.0 or above

Download Fly free photo editing

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Magic Speed Setup

MagicSpeed Setup Your PC is slow in boot-up and operation? Magic Speed will make your PC faster and more efficient in 5 simple steps. The software package includes startup management, fixing registry errors, Disk clean-up, and memory management. It is free of charge and does not require special PC knowledge!
Magic Speed will analyze your applications, which are loaded with your PC boot-up. Are you sure that you really need these applications? Being loaded, they occupy PC memory and slow down PC operation. A check-up will also include virus and spyware tests thanks to a new anti-virus engine updated on a daily basis.
Registry errors also negatively affect PC efficiency. By deleting temporary files, you will increase free space on your hard drive and speed up its operation. Make use of the unique Boost Windows option - by adding it to the startup you will experience real improvement of your PC operation!
Tune your PC for the maximum efficiency!
Requirements: Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista/Win7

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Modem Logger

This program allows you to log the length of calls made with your modem. It detects the start time, the end time and the length of each call. If you require, it can also record the cost of each call. It can automatically detect when the modem is connected or you can start logging manually. Shown here is one of the two program interfaces. It can also be set as a little bar always visible on the top of the screen, minimized or as a tray icon. It can create a log file of your calls that is easily imported into Excel or other spreadsheets with a simple copy and paste operation. It can play a sound every n minutes or 10 seconds (default) before the next charge is applied, allowing you to save money! The cost logging configuration is completely automated for some countries through a database which is called TCBase. The configuration is very simple, mostly automated, and the program interface is very clear.

Download Modem Logger



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Speed Startup 2.01.14

 Speed Startup 2.01.14 Improves both Startup and Computer System
Don't wait minutes for your computer to run through startup items and don't allow your computer to be slowed down by all of those worthless background programs that are put on your computer.

Gives you Control of Startup

Lets you decide what to run at startup and what not to run. For example, if you don't like some of those icons along the bottom of the screen next to the time, remove their startup item and be free of them.

Run Cleaner with our Unique Four Level Process

Level One - Detect and Remove Useless Items

90% of the items in startup are unneccessary and some, like spyware and viruses, are downright harmful. Even the most hidden items can be found and safely removed.

Level Two - Move Rarely Used items to Manual Run

Why automatically start an item every day that you only use once a month? Put it in the Manual Run section and run it only when you need it.

Level Three - Run Needed Items One at a Time in Lineup

Windows runs all startup items at the same time causing a major bottleneck of resources. Running them one at a time frees up resources and speeds up the whole process.

Level Four - Speed Rebuild Startup Items

Identify Each Startup Item

Our own specialized database and a constantly growing internet database of tens of thousands of startup items are used to inform you about each item, where it hides, and how dangerous it is.

Inspects Secret and Common Startup Locations

Our extensive research has turned up many secret startup locations that other programs like MSCONFIG do not know about.

Locks Annoying Programs Out

Some startup items do not like to be removed and will reinstall themselves. Speed Startup locks out removed items.

Alerts When New Items are Added

You don't have to constantly run Speed Startup to find new startup items. Windows' startup locations are automatically checked for you.

Download Speed Starup 2.01.14 


Registry Life

Registry Life support issues and/or software problems are available only from its publisher/developer. Although we constantly scan all the programs within this website, for your improved security, we strongly advise you to check the downloaded files with a strong antivirus and antispyware solution.
Utility for fixing errors, compression and defragmentation of the registry
Registry Life is a utility designed to improve system performance by fixing errors, defragmenting, and compressing the registry. Unlike similar freeware tools, Registry Life offers registry cleanup and optimization in a single tool. The registry cleanup tool scans the registry for a wide variety of problems and fixes them all at once. For example, it will remove invalid entries from the Windows startup registry and browser context menu; check file type associations, common dynamic-link libraries, and registered applications; and examine other parts of the registry.

Download Registry Life!


System Speed Booster

Highlights of System Speed Booster

  • Streamline Registry
    By scanning and removing all the obsolete registry entries, System Speed Booster will make your Windows registry compact and clean to speed up the running of your PC.
  • Optimize System
    Problems will be found in your system, with the help of System Speed Booster you can fix all the errors for an optimization of system.
  • Faster Work Efficiency
    From installing to running the app, the processes are smooth and fast. Just a few minutes, you will enjoy the best PC experience ever.
  • Free & Safe
    There is no doubt about it. The award-winning software is 100% free and no adware, no spyware, no virus at all.
  • Multi-functional
    Besides the Registry Fix functions, other built-in tools include Privacy Sweep, Junk Files Removal, System Optimization, etc. All these tasks can be settled in one go.
  • Download System Speed Booster !

Advanced SystemCare


It's time to completely fix your slow PC!

Advanced SystemCare Free (formerly Advanced WindowsCare Personal) has a one-click approach to help protect, repair, clean, and optimize your PC. With over 100 MILLION downloads since 2006, this fantastic, award-winning, free PC repair software is a "must-have" tool for your computer. 100% safe with no adware, spyware, or viruses; a PC maintenance program that's incredibly easy to use.
Why waste money on expensive "registry cleaners" to fix your PC when Advanced SystemCare Free will repair, tune, and maintain it for you – for free!

Why Is Advanced SystemCare Free 4 Different ?

Provides a Complete Solution For PC Top Performance.
A simple registry cleaner cannot give you true performance boost. Advanced SysteCare Free 4 combines Registry clean, defrag, system tune-up, shortcut fix, privacy sweep, junk files clean, disk fix and optimization, and more, to guarantee your PC run like a new one.
Finds and Detects More Hidden Problems of Security and Performance.
With our innovative "DEEP SCAN" technology, Advanced SystemCare Free 4 has the highest detection rate in the industry and it is able to find the right root of your PC trouble.
Simpler and Easier to Use.
You do not need to be a professional or know much about computer. All you need to do is install it and a few clicks will make you enjoy the new PC feeling again.
Proven by More Users.
Advanced SystemCare is the NO.1 downloaded software in system utilities and has over 10 million users worldwide.

Key Benefits
[+] See all

Speeds up PC performance and internet access
Tunes up Windows by releasing the built-in power of your system. Dramatically improves both system and Internet performance by up to 400%.
Defends PC security with extra protection
Detects and analyzes Windows security environment. Scans and removes spyware and adware using up-to-date definition files. Prevents spyware, hackers and hijackers from installing malicious programs on your computer. Erases and updates your PC's activity histories.
More than 20 dedicated smart tools for everyday PC maintenance
Replacing the original "Utilities" module in version 3, Advanced SystemCare 4 integrates IObit's latest Toolbox which has more than 20 dedicated smart tools for everyday PC maintenance or advanced needs, including tools for system cleaning, optimizing and repairing, tools for security enhancement, and tools for full control over the system.
Extremely easy to use
Completes its work with just one click! Scans, repairs and secures your PC in one minute. 
Download Advanced SystemCare 


Auslogics-Benchtown One of the main purposes of computer benchmarks is to compare different systems, hardware devices or system configurations with each other. It can be interesting for over- or underclockers for instance to test the performance under specific parameters and settings, for users who purchase a new video card to to test the performance of the new and old card on the same computer system and for companies and organizations to find out which of their systems is best suited for a specific job or upgrade.
Benchmark software is used to make those comparisons. These programs usually run a series of taxing tests to calculate the performance of specific PC components. This includes components like the processor, RAM, hard drive or video card.
Auslogics Benchtown is a new benchmark for the Windows operating system that is currently available as a beta release. It is not clear at this point in time whether it will remain free after its final release.
The program has been designed to rate the following PC components:
  • 2D Desktop Graphics
  • 3D Game Graphics
  • HDD Performance
  • Memory Speed
  • CPU Calculations
It is possible to customize the tests in the program settings. Here it is possible to remove subsystems from the test and to swap the hard drive that is used during tests. The selected hard drive needs to have at least 100 Megabytes of space.
You can run a test with a click on the Rate Now button under Benchmark. Tests take less than five minutes to complete and display progress information on screen all the time.
More important than the direct feedback during tests is the benchmark results page at the end. Auslogics Benchtown displays separate values for each subsystem that has been tested as well as an overall score on screen.
A compare with friends button is displayed, but that did not work on our test system. A short message about uploading data was displayed but nothing else happened afterwards.
Several of the menus at the top did not work as well. The all my benchmarks link for instance did not do anything after activation. This could be a beta issue or an incompatibility with our test system.
Auslogics Benchtown can be used to display detailed system information. A click on the menu opens environment and hardware information after a short scan.
The program is easy to use and to handle. That’s a big plus. As is the less than five minute benchmarking process. Windows users who are looking for a new benchmarking program should take a closer look at Auslogics Benchtown. Cautious users and those in productive environments should wait until the final version of the program gets released by the company. The application is compatible with all 32-bit and 64-bit editions of the Windows operating system. It can be downloaded from the developer website.

Download Auslogics Benchtown !

Task Manager

Task Manager This handy utility enhances the functionality of Windows' Task Manager by warning you about potential system threats.
Upon launch, Security Task Manager automatically scans your PC to find all running programs. It then displays information about each application in a sortable list, including name, CPU usage, size, manufacturer, and risk factor. Highlighting each entry gives you more detailed data on running processes, including a description of what it does and how much of a threat it poses to your system. If Security Task Manager finds a potentially malevolent program, you can remove or quarantine it.
Especially handy is the feature that automatically searches Google for information about a specific program with a single click. Though it doesn't offer a wide range of features, this program will be useful to those looking for an extra layer of system protection.

Read more: Security Task Manager - Free software downloads and software reviews -  

Speed MP3 Downloader

MP3 Speed is a simple application that allows you to make copies of MP3s at different speeds.
Many of us listen to spoken word podcasts, and MP3 Speed allows you to cut listening time by speeding up your MP3s. You can speed up MP3s increasing the tempo and the pitch, or more naturally change the tempo but keep the pitch the same.
This free app has a big interface that's less informative and more complex than it needs to be. There's a folder tree on the left which is a little unnecessary, and the big...
Download 100 million songs in easy, fast and clean way. Speed MP3 Downloader is really a hear-and-get tool, via which you can fast obtain unlimited amount of high quality mp3 safely and easily. It has the largest collection of high quality music, and allows you to search your favorites in tags, such as indie, hip-hop, classical. etc. You can even search the live, piano, guitar or cover editions of your favorite songs the live concert albums of your favorite band. All songs are in the MP3 format and can be played on any computer or on any MP3 Player including iPod, iPhone, cell phone. Moreover, it also recommends the USA AIRPLAY HOT 100 each week and supports all digital players including iPod, cellphone. Speed MP3 Downloader is a simple and neat utility for indexing and downloading your favorite music from Internet. The application is so user-friendly that anybody can use it; it just takes a few clicks and less than 5 seconds to bring you the search results. In terms of safety, it is not a Peer-to-Peer program, so there is no risk from spyware or viruses. It brings you music by means of searching the public audio sites, which is 100% legal. And that is not all. Something you will definitely love in this program is that it can run many searches in parallel. Users can also pretest the downloading mp3 files; if the files are not what they are looking for, users can stop downloading immediately to avoid wasting time.

Read more: Speed MP3 Downloader - Free software downloads and software reviews - CNET
Download Speed MP3 Downloader !

Super MP3 Download

Super MP3 Download is easy-to-use software which enables you to search and download over 100 million MP3 for free.
FREE Music Downloads, Unlimited Listening Online, USA Airplay Hot 100, 14 Genres of Hottest Songs and More!

Key Features

  • Over 100 Million MP3 For Free
    Super MP3 Download is free to use. You can search and download over 100 million MP3 from the largest download network fast and FREE.
  • Bring You The Hottest Songs
    Super MP3 Download recommend you the USA Airplay Hot 100 every week and list the hottest songs across all genres, from electronic to religious, mainstream to indie, hip-hop to classical, etc.
  • Listen To Music Online Without limits
    All with unlimited access to over 100 million songs, you can listen to music online for FREE and try the searched results to decide which one to download.
  • Advanced Search*
    Super MP3 Download can search songs in tags of title, artist, album, and edition. You can even search the live, piano, guitar or cover editions of your favorite songs.


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